
Showing posts from April, 2019

SEO past present and feature(2019)

SEO – Past, Present and Future SEO is anything that can have a positive impact on your organic search visibility and organic search traffic. That’s it in a nutshell, the heart and soul of what SEO  is …but, while that defines what SEO is, it doesn’t come close to touching what an SEO does, or all of the other factors that “ SEO ” work can impact. Before we dive into this though, I think it’s important to talk a bit about what SEO was, and why perceptions are as out of whack as they are. SEO started at the dawn of the consumer web, as search engines came online in the early-to-mid 90s. At that time, it was literally as simple as using lots of keywords, and making sure you were listed in lots of directories. Over the years, from the mid-90’s to the late 2000’s, some things changed (and some didn’t), but overall one element of SEO remained pretty much the same: if you had the ability to edit a website, you didn’t need any involvement or help from a